Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 March 2013 - Snow woes

Woke to the sound of rain this morning.   Two feet of snow on the ground and it is raining--great. We are down to about a foot of  snow on the roof, but I still have foot high ice dams over the eaves across the front of the house. Along with the ice dams, we have ice stalagtites.

Since it was raining, I decided some printing would be a good activity for the day. So first thing, I went out to the shop to switch on the heaters to let it warm up while we had breakfast, read the paper and eased into the day.  Opened the shop door to discover water running down the walls and puddling up on the floor. The water was coming out of the electrical box.  I ran back to the main switch, turned it off, went back and started mopping up. Jack came out and got the wire that was bringing in the most water positioned so the water would drip into can.

We were worried the roof wouldn’t last through the winter, but last winter was so mild...famous last words. I tromped out with ladders, a snow rake and a leaf rake and started pulling down layers of snow and pine needles. We had been keeping the roof clear, but got behind on the last two snow storms.  Jack went to Ace and bought a huge tarp. While he was gone I called David and asked for help. He came right away. David is convinced  we have a leak in the valley right over the door. He is probably right.

It was quite a comedy. The snow around the shop is five and six feet deep from all the times we’ve raked the snow off. You would be walking along on top just fine, then whoosh, you’d take a step and sink to your waist. David went up on the roof and shoveled more snow off, then stayed up to help position the tarp. Jack and I were slogging through the snow dragging the ladder and bench around so we could tie it down.

It has rained all day and is still raining. There is a slight possibility it could turn into more snow tonight. I sure hope not, but we have snow in the forecast for later in the week, so I guess it doesn’t much matter when it comes.

Our paper had an article saying that this was the coldest February on record.  We had 34 straight days below 32 degrees.  it also was one of the snowiest Februarys as well, but we had a lot of really dry snow, it isn’t really helping with the water situation.

I got wet and chilled. I now have changed into dry clothes,and socks and shoes. I’m drinking hot coffee, and I’m cold.  I want to go out and finish my print job, and the rest of me says Couch! Nap! Vegetate!

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