14 January 2015 - A New Personal Challenge
My friend Elisa is a maniac. I mean that in a good way. She is a rabid geocacher. I mean that in a good way too. Three years ago she gave herself the challenge of geocaching every day for a year. Okaay. Not only did she do it, but she has gone on to geocache for over 1000 consecutive days, and in doing so has found over 5000 geocaches. I have admired her perseverance and dedication. She works full time, is a quilter, has two cats to love and take care of, and is totally dedicated to her family. And still, she geocaches every day.
While I admired her dedication from afar, it is just occuring to me how hard that is to do. There are days she's been sick or just plain tired. Exhausted might be a better word. She has had family members in the hospital. You name it. But still, it was a personal commitment and she keeps going. I'm thinking the energizer bunny needs to look like Elisa.
Why do I bring this up? I just started (as in 14 days into it) a year-long birding challenge. It involves submitting a birding list everyday to the national ebird database as well as getting bonus points for birding 10 different locations in every county of the state. We have 29 counties. Ay yi yi.
I am not out to win this challenge, mind you. There are many birders here that go several places every day even without a challenge. I am using this as a personal motivation to get out more, learn more, see more.
This means counting the same birds you see everyday and noticing the ebbs and flows and how it changes with the weather. It makes you more aware of the state they are in. This little house finch was tucked way inside a trumpet vine on a day the windchill was -17. You can see how he is all fluffed out to keep warm.
It means grabbing the binoculars to see just what is in the top of the Russian Olive tree. In this case it included robins and cedar waxwings.
Cedar waxwings are just beautiful and always a treat to see.
My plan is to emulate Elisa's determination. Go forth into this new year with motivation.
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