Monday, July 22, 2013

22 July 2013 - Rufous and Rude

In April the hummingbird population came back. Yes, they squabble over feeders. There are magnificent chase scenes, clever ruses where hummers sneak in under the guard's eye. Then when the babies are born the females encourage communal feeding. It is all very entertaining.

However in July the Rufous Hummers show up. They are bold and brassy in color and personality. These johnny-come-lately birds show up and take over the feeders. They are aggresive in guarding the feeders, chasing everyone away. This morning I was watching them chase chickadees and house finches out of the tree as well. 

I have to give them points for pretty with all the orange-y and metallic gold flash.

But it is surprising how territorial they are. I may need to put out a couple more feeders, especially since I still have babies in nests. 

Today the babies look like this. 


1 comment:

  1. I must admit that I've never been a bird person, but the interesting facts you tell make me look twice at them now. Spent 10 minutes at GeoBash trying to take a picture of one so you could identify it. It was too fast for me :)
