Friday, February 21, 2014

21 February 2014 - Stalking the Wood Duck

Knowing my weekend was spoken for, today after work I drove up to Ogden to find a wood duck, as they are one of the most brilliantly feathered in the duck world. 

I had a pretty lucky day. First, it was much warmer than normal, in the low 50s. Second, it was only partly cloudy, so when the sun was out, it felt much warmer. Third, I found the wood ducks. 

The males are exquisite. Depending how the sun reflected on his head, the color would vary from emerald green
(above) to purple (below). 

His neck is so skinny it almost looks like someone else's head has been stuck on this body. 

Unfortunately for me, they were pretty shy. I found myself deep in the underbrush around the pond slithering on my belly on an uncertain surface of mud, or ice or icy mud. 

Oh yeah, I got filthy. Practically undressed at the door and dropped my clothes straight into the washer. Did not pass go. But I must say, it was worth it. 

The females were just as pretty in their own way.

Their coloring is very subtle, but still you can see purple, green and blue on their feathers. I really like their wispy droopy crests. 

Since I was up in Ogden anyway, I stopped by the Great Salt Lake Shorelines Preserves. The wetlands were about 50% frozen. I did see a lovely Northern Harrier. 

The Preserve has two wonderful lookouts. In a post-winter setting they look like something out of Burning Man. 

Don't you love it when your assumptions are turned on their head? It can really twist your ears around. I had that happen. 

Next to the preserve is a pasture full of hugely pregnant cows. The surprise was the very new calves. In my mind, lambing and calving season was April into May. Bright green grass little babies bouncing around, you get the picture.  Now I find out cows usually drop their kids in February and March. Always something new to learn. 

As I was leaving, I saw this stunning skyscape. 

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