Monday, December 2, 2013

2 December 2013 - Thanksgivukkah Part 2

While Robin was here we did a lot more than spend time in grocery stores, cook and eat. After I showed Robin Antelope Island, she took me to The Leonardo. She had seen an article in the AAA magazine about an exhibit that looked interesting. Trust me--it was!
The magazine said if you are in SLC don't miss this installation. We both thought it was new so we had to laugh when we found out it was a permanent installation and had been up for two years. 

This work is called The Hylozoic Veil and is amazing and beautiful. It is a sculpture, an environment, and an experience. It hangs over the lobby and moves up and fills the space over a three story escalator. It is made of paper thin white plastic and at the same time looks like a wild chandelier,  a ferny forest floor or even part of an undersea coral reef. 

The Veil is motion activated-- a person walking by could trigger one or more large feathery fronds to wave, which then sets other pieces off. These are very languid movements. 

Scattered throughout the piece are glass vials that collect carbon dioxide or trap particulate pollution in the air. You can see some the flasks at the base of the fronds here--there is a yellow cast to the water being collected.

It is almost alive, both an art and science project. We spent a lot of time on each floor checking it out from underneath and above. The pictures don't do it justice.

The Leonardo also had a large area called The Lab where people were on hand to teach kids all kinds of interesting things -- both crafts and science projects. 

Robin and I were really taken with some window art displays made with colored paper and held onto the glass with cling sheets. Great for a stained glass effect. That gave me all kinds of ideas. I may have found a new way to keep birds from flying into my windows. 

One of the best parts of the museum was the cafe. Robin and I went in for a sit and a hot drink and ended up with soup. I think it might have been the best soup I have ever had. I had a serious soup swoon going on. I need to go back!

Robin and I also hit Modern Display-- a store neither one of us had ever been in, but it is an icon in SLC. We were both astounded at the quality and quantity of seasonal ornaments and lights. All these years I thought this was a place for retail stores to purchase furniture, displays and store decorations, never dreaming it was open to the public.  I have a mental note to go back and see what happens in there during the  rest of the year.

A stop at Ward and Child just down the street from Modern Display netted Robin a lamp that she has been wanting ever since she saw it last year. Better yet, it was on clearance. Good deal for everyone. 

Speaking of keeping birds from flying into the windows, we spent an evening making 3-D snowflake chains to hang in the living room window. My hope is to discourage fly throughs.  Need a couple more, but they seem to be working. 

Robin left for home today-- and she got out just in time. Big snow storm is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. 

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